SAE J323-1998 Test Method for Determining Cold Cracking of Flexible Plastic Mate


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SAE J323-1998 Test Method for Determining Cold Cracking of Flexible Plastic Materials

1. Scope-This SAE Recommended Practice is applicable for determining the cold characteristics of vinyl-coated fabrics and other automotive plastic materials, as applicable. It consists of three different methods for determining low-temperature properties of materials depending on type of material and end use.

2. References-There are no referenced publications specified herein.

3. Method A, Mandrel Test
3.1 Apparatus and Materials
3.1.1 MANDREL-Steel mandrel 6.35 mm in diameter and 152 mm long attached to a suitable stand. Other diameters may be specified depending on the thickness and rigidity of the material to be tested.
3.1.2 OVEN-Air-circulating oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 82℃±2℃.
3.1.3 CoLD Box-A cold box capable of maintaining a temperature of -34℃ and large enough to permit bending the test specimen while it remains in the box.
3.1.4 GLOVES-Heavy cloth gloves to prevent heat transfer when handling specimens.
3.2 Procedure-Cut 50 ×200 mm specimens in the machine and across machine direction and condition in the oven at 82C for 24 h or as specified.(The dimensions of the specimen may vary for extruded or molded parts.) Remove specimens from the oven and condition at room temperature to maintain equilibrium. Place specimens, gloves, and mandrel with stand in the cold box at -34C for 4 h or as specified. Put on gloves and grasp each end of the sample and bend, finish side out,3.1 radians around the mandrel in approximately 0.5s with a uniform motion. Remove specimens from cold box and examine visually for evidence of cracks.

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